Recently I've been influence by my uni buddies to join in 'kopitiam' section in LYN.
I found out this quite interesting as everyone is worth to read it. (:
Chinese version:
4、看着别的女人高耸的酥胸心里直骂骚狐狸,一边在出门前特意把乳沟挤 出来
打击面有点大了,呵呵 不过有句话说的好啊,女为悦己者荣,还是侧面反应女人的虚荣心理
English version:
1) Use up hundred dollar for lipstick, but dare to stuck in CHOW TAU FU in the mouth
2) Saw animal got abused on the net and drop tears, but enjoy eating animal so much
3) While scolding men are good for nothing, online and sweet chat with all types of men
4) Saw other woman wear like high class sexy scold them like being mistress. but do the same before they walk out from home
5) Say that guys have house and car is chinese traditional, but imply that not respect to father/mother in law is normal
6) Wear V shape, if men dont stare say that they are blind, if they stare sat that they are color wolf
7) Age of 30 something claim themselves as young girl, 16-17 claim themselves as old
8) Always talk about man and woman is equal level, but when comes to 'asing-asing' says that men are kiam siap
9) Men thinks of go for a balance life is no ambition, when busy about working say do not care bout people
10) Like to play ONS, but claim that men are irresponsible
11) Wanted that men must have car and house, but they have no beauty no this and that nothing
12) Always change partner and say men are flower-hearted
LOL.. it always happen to all my female friends anyway, no one is exception from this case. HAHA! Lame~ What else? I plan to continue my DotA journey instead of quitting it since last time. :P Anyway, DotA = Defend of the Ancients but NOT 'dunia orang tanpa awek'. If do, then I will think all DotA's players are so lifeless without girlfriends.
I started this since year of 2007, which influenced by a GIRL!
Some of them don't really understand the game purpose, then they start to insult it.
Blah la them... I can even play DotA for like more than 12hours per day IF
I'm alone at home doing nothing. Haha~xD Well, still waiting my friends to finish our
final assignment for first semester in Uni. Hopefully I can do well in my final exam
though. (: Just a reminder, Calvin's birthday will be celebrate at sunway in this friday
night as well as the small gathering thingy happen on the same time in the curve. =.="
Which one I should go? D:
Ahh... blah~
Tomorrow test again and is ENGLISH!
I already took 2 english exam in ICPU but still need to take another english subject
in degree. WHAT FOR?!? They just wanna make more money...
Come on next week~ FINAL EXAM! D:
Well, it's only for 2 days which is monday & tuesday. After that, I can 'fly' for sure with my friends too. xD Can't wait for it then~
They said 'Wanna go clubbing or sing 'k' after exam?'
But suddenly I come out with this suggestion.. Go vacation! :) It should fine right if we can vacation because we can do whatever we want instead of stuck with those certain plan. x)
It's all for today. Bye~